Our Favorite Flowers for Bridal Bouquets
An essential accessory for any bride-to-be is a fresh bouquet! These beautiful arrangements are designed to complement your overall style or theme and typically feature your wedding color scheme. To help inspire you, so you can go to the florist with ideas in mind, here are some of our favorite flowers for wedding bouquets.
Easily the most popular flower for bridal bouquets, roses ooze romance. They come in next to every color imaginable, from classic white and blush to brilliant shades of orange and purple. They also come in a few different species, which can effectively lend some extra texture to your bouquet. These include garden roses, damask roses, and tea roses.
A beautiful flower for brides who want a soft and feminine look, hydrangeas are a classic choice. They can be dyed to suit your color theme, but they are most effective at lending some volume to an arrangement. However, due to their large and fluffy look, you can rest assured that they won’t look over the top and completely steal the show.
A simple but striking flower, dahlias are well known for their layered petals. These blooms come in a nice variety of colors, but they are largely popular due to the subtle texture they lend to an arrangement. They look quite similar to fluffy pom-poms, making them a fun choice for younger brides.
When you want a bridal bouquet that screams chic, go with ranunculus. Featuring sleek and tightly packed petals, they offer a look that is elegant and ultra-romantic. They are especially popular in organic bouquets with lots of greenery. However, if you want to soften them up a little, your florist can gently pull the petals apart.
If you want a more mature bridal bouquet, then you can’t beat an orchid. These elegant and timeless flowers have a unique look and yet remain soft. They are an especially good choice for brides who want a luxurious look, especially in pure white or purple; however, they often come at an equally luxurious price!
King Proteas
A unique flower, King proteas are quite popular. Although they are usually only featured in pairs in a bridal bouquet, they tend to dominate with their large size and striking colors. They are a great choice for brides who want to lend a more tropical vibe to their bridal ensemble or for brides who simply want to feature a fun bit of texture.
Large and brightly colored flowers, peonies are a traditional choice for brides who love everything pink. They often peak in popularity around late spring through summer due to their vibrant color. They are a surprisingly versatile flower that will work well with any theme, from rustic to modern or city-chic.
Not a fan of flowers? Feature a bouquet made of greenery instead! There are a lot of different types of greenery to choose from that will lend a different look to your bridal ensemble. Popular options include eucalyptus, Italian Ruscus, leather leaf, and olive branches. The other benefit of this style bouquet is that it will always look timeless!