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How to Choose the Perfect Wedding Gift

Receiving a wedding save the date is an honor, although it comes with a few expectations. A long held tradition, wedding gifts are a fun opportunity to help newlywed couples establish their home. After all, who doesn’t enjoy an excuse to shop? However, purchasing a...


The Top Honeymoon Destinations for 2019

Following your wedding day, it is finally time for the long awaited honeymoon. Wedding planning is a stressful job, and a relaxing getaway is well deserved. While the whole wide world is available to contemplate, we have compiled a tiny handful of popular honeymoon destinations....

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How to Choose Your Wedding Menu

After a wedding ceremony is over, and the bride and groom have been rushed away for pictures, guests are directed to the reception. While there are no official rules as to how the evening has to play out, we are willing to bet your guests...

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How to Choose All of Your Wedding Songs

Choosing your wedding songs would seem like a simple decision, but music has an important role in our lives. Particular songs evoke emotions, can create a tone, and will help set memories in stone. We understand the process of selecting wedding songs can be difficult...

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This Year’s Trending Groomsmen Gifts

After outdoing yourself with an awe-inspiring proposal, it is time to impress the boys. Deciding who will be in your wedding party is difficult enough, and then you have to shop for them. As a rule of thumb, try to get a gift that is...

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Bridesmaid Gifts Your Girls Will Love

You said “Yes!” and now it’s time to round up your girl gang. One of the most exhilarating parts of wedding planning is asking your best friends if they will stand beside you. While there are endless options for bridesmaid proposals online, we have rounded...

Demi 3 min

7 Things to do Immediately After Getting Engaged

Beau just popped the question, and you said “Yes”! So what happens next? First and foremost, you should share the news, and celebrate, with friends and family. Spend adequate time enjoying this huge stage in your life – and book that all-important engagement session. Afterwards,...

Demi 448 min

How to Handle Rain on Your Wedding Day

No doubt you have heard the phrase time and time again ‒ “rain on your wedding day is lucky!”. Whether this is necessarily true or not is still up for debate, but unexpected rain can have a dampening effect on your wedding set up and...

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How to Pick the Perfect Season for your Wedding

Summer weddings used to be all the rage, then spring, and now winter. In all reality, you can get married during any season of the year, that best suits you. So, how do you choose? Consider all of the following details, to narrow down which...

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How to Choose your Dream Wedding Venue

The best and worst part of selecting a wedding venue are ‒ you guessed it ‒ the options. Sure, it's great to have choices, but picking one of anything has been an ordeal since childhood. Plus, you get this experience for almost every decision regarding...

Intimate Weddings Venue Red and White Winter Wedding Moody Red & Emerald Wedding